welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!


Spring is here!

You know, I have been thinking a lot about spring the last couple of days.
It is a time of lots of hope. Just the fact that it gives hope about warmer and lighter days. About flowers and green grass, warmer water in lakes and oceans. The hope brings joy to my heart and soul. For a moment I can feel a little sting of sadness. Winter is over, spring is already hear and the time flies so pretty soon we will have winter again. But that is just the hopeless part of me. The one that is always looking to far ahead. So I try to stay living in the now.

Spring means new life. Everywhere can you see strands of grass poking through the muddy soil. In the pastures where the cows have been hanging out all winter, you can now see little baby cows running around. They are sooooo cute! Soon we will have new baby horses in the barn and everywhere else we look there will be babies. I have a surprise growing in my flowerbed and buds on my lilac bush. All that stuff makes me happy and it gives me a ton of energy that I didn't know I had!

On Sunday after church we came home, took our books and cups of tea, dug out the lawn chairs and went outside. You have to start working on that tan early:) We enjoyed every minute of it.

On the adoption side of our life there is also new hope. Through a dear friend we have now been put in touch with an orphanage in Ukraine. Don't know to much yet if this is the way God has for us to walk but please help us pray for wisdom and direction. For now it sounds really good and it might be the way for us to be able to adopt a sibling couple. God is faithful and he will guide us!

Lots of love to all of you!

Ps. Talking about new life. We will be breeding our German Shephard Svea this week so there will hopefully be little Sveas running around in a couple of months. Maybe you know someone who would like one?


  1. Anonymous30/3/10 11:51

    Exiting! I will pray! happy Easter

  2. Can I just say that I'm excited you have a blog!? Whoohoo! Now I can follow along on this amazing journey. When Mark told me about you guys pursuing adoption I was more than thrilled for you. So glad that you guys are gonna have babies (or kids) to hug and kiss and love. You're gonna be amazing parents. So thrilled for you both. May God bless this whole journey and process!

  3. Yippee Jesus for the friend with the Ukraine connection...who knows what God is doing, but since His heart is for the orphan and your hearts are open - the skies the limit!! xo
    PS Will answer your email today! =)
