welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!


The emotional rollercoaster!

A couple of days ago we got the first call from the adoptionagency. It was fun to feel that we are on our way but it also brought up some different emotions. They for example asked about why my BMI is so low. Hello! I'm a skinny tall physically hard working swede! Do you need more explanation? I ofcourse realise that they wonder if there are eating disorders involved. But I'm pretty sick and tired of always hearing that I'm to skinny. My body just doesn't want to put on any fat, not to get pregnant easier, not to build muscles easier, not to fill out my clothes,not to be allowed to adopt!! (They didn't say that I wouldn't be allowed but that is how I feel).

The other pretty big thing is that they want to know where the money is going to come from. I understand that our finances that was presented doesn't look like much but our God has all the finances we need. And how do you explain that? They asked us to get back to them with some answers. Please help us to pray to get the wisdom of what to say!

Pretty helpful was the comments they had about us adopting siblings. The older one in a siblingcouple is almost always 6-8 years old and the younger one would be 2-4. We feel that an older kid would be out of our comfort zone at this point and that has put our sibling thoughts on hold for now. But if it is God's idea he will make it happen and the kids will be small.

Blessings to you!



  1. Anonymous7/3/10 06:56

    Åh! Vad spännande! ska bli så roligt att följa er resa till att bli föräldrar! Kom ihåg att Gud är större än alla problem som kan uppstå! Och oavsett människors åsikter så KOMMER GUDS VILJA SKE! HAN har all makt! kom att tänka på ord 16:33
    Kramar Frida Eriksson

  2. I never thought you were skinny, just beautiful! Standing with you both for favor and open doors in all the right places.

  3. so happy for you as you walk in God's will.
    you are a beautiful woman and don't let people make you feel bad. God has such a plan for you two!
