welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!


A little lost!

We are a little lost right now. The agency is more or less giving us the advice not to adopt from Moldova. The governmental situation is not the best and they say they will do it but it might be easier to choose another country or do domestic instead.

Our problem is that if Scott gets deployed he probably wouldn't be able attend a court hearing at a specific date in whatever country we adopt from. And many countries are not very flexible when it comes to that. The thing is that the Navy has started something new which puts people on a list if they will be drafted within a year. Scott is not on that list. Can he still get deployed? Yes but not very likely.

So what are we going to do? NOT A CLUE. How do you choose another country when you think God spoke to you or was it just my own thoughts??? Maybe this is God's way of telling us that his plan is different than ours. Or is it a test of our faith in him?
When it comes to other countries we really don't have many options at this point. Bulgaria seems to be the only one. And then of course we could to domestic. Who knows at this point. But please help us pray for direction. We want to do Gods will in this even if it might be complicated.

All we want is to give an orphan parents and a loving home.

Blessings, Nela

1 comment:

  1. D & S,

    Listen sweet friends - God has a good plan...sometimes we have heard Him right...sometimes not...sometimes we have heard Him but the plan is just a little different than what we thought...the key is just to be willing and walk forward anyway, knowing that He will do whatever He wants along the way...

    You guys rock and I am so proud to call you friends!! Love you bunches and praying for peace and direction and wisdom...xo
