welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!


A day in the middle of March

Eventhough I should get ready to go to work, I decided that it was time to write a couple of sentences here first.

The adoption process is taking it's time. We are right now waiting for a preapplication to go to Moldova to find out if we will be accepted. Since Scott is in the Navy reserve and can be deployed we might not. They said it will take between a couple of days to a couple of weeks before we hear anything back. And at this time we also don't know if the homestudy agency we would like to work with will be approved either so we just have to wait. But that is ok.

Life around us is coming back. The snow is melting and there is mud everywhere:-) We are excited about experiencing spring at our house for the first time. Soon we can have a fika (a genious swedish word that means snacktime kind of) outside. Maybe Scott can dig out our grill from the big snowpile in the back and we can make some salmon one day.

Last week I had to say goodbye to two of my teeth. They where unsaveable. A little sad but even if I give you my biggest smile you won't see the gap. Vanity -yep ! But a lot easier to deal with.

Tonight I'm going to share my testemony at the youth group at church about how I ended up here and my experience at the LA Dream Centre. It is interesting when I look back at my life to see how much of God's guidance I have experienced. He has been SO faithful throughout the years that how could I ever doubt that he would take care of me now. And the fact that God does not just care about the big stuff he definately cares about the details. One day I will share some of those details with you.

Be blessed and enjoy the light!


1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear more. Maybe you can tell me face to face. Just kidding.
