welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!


The door is slowly opening!

Hi everyone!
I know it has been a little while since I shared with you last of what is going on. Not much has happened until this last week. We have just been waiting which seems to be the biggest part of an adoption process. But we stay pretty busy in the meanwhile which is good.

But now to what is happening. I don't know how many of you have heard about the american mom that had adopted a kid from Russia. She thought the kid was a threath to her family so she put him (a 7 year old kid) on a plane with a note in his pocket that he was to return to Russia. Totally crazy in my opinion! This made Russia stop all adoptions to the US until the US agrees to new restrictions. This affected Ukraine too. So last week I got a message saying that the orphanage wants to help us but the door was closed for now....
We didn't know what to think. Was this another door that God was closing on us or just more time of waiting? We shared the situation with our smallgroup and we prayed about it.

Three days later I get another message saying that the person that runs the orphanage wants to give it a try already. The door that we thought was shut is now open and we will walk through it! Thank you LORD!
Now that we know what country for sure that we are working with we will do our homestudy.

It's amazing to be a Gods child and walk in his footsteps. You never know where you will end up and how your life is going to turn out. But one thing is for sure and that is that it is an adventure:-)
Be encouraged my friend and stay close to the source of peace that goes beyond all our understandings, our Heavenly Father!


  1. Good news girl, I am standing with you both and praying hard for you!

  2. Thanks! It is very much appreciated! We are excited to see how our Awesome God is going to let this all unfold!
