welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!


Spring is here!

You know, I have been thinking a lot about spring the last couple of days.
It is a time of lots of hope. Just the fact that it gives hope about warmer and lighter days. About flowers and green grass, warmer water in lakes and oceans. The hope brings joy to my heart and soul. For a moment I can feel a little sting of sadness. Winter is over, spring is already hear and the time flies so pretty soon we will have winter again. But that is just the hopeless part of me. The one that is always looking to far ahead. So I try to stay living in the now.

Spring means new life. Everywhere can you see strands of grass poking through the muddy soil. In the pastures where the cows have been hanging out all winter, you can now see little baby cows running around. They are sooooo cute! Soon we will have new baby horses in the barn and everywhere else we look there will be babies. I have a surprise growing in my flowerbed and buds on my lilac bush. All that stuff makes me happy and it gives me a ton of energy that I didn't know I had!

On Sunday after church we came home, took our books and cups of tea, dug out the lawn chairs and went outside. You have to start working on that tan early:) We enjoyed every minute of it.

On the adoption side of our life there is also new hope. Through a dear friend we have now been put in touch with an orphanage in Ukraine. Don't know to much yet if this is the way God has for us to walk but please help us pray for wisdom and direction. For now it sounds really good and it might be the way for us to be able to adopt a sibling couple. God is faithful and he will guide us!

Lots of love to all of you!

Ps. Talking about new life. We will be breeding our German Shephard Svea this week so there will hopefully be little Sveas running around in a couple of months. Maybe you know someone who would like one?


A little lost!

We are a little lost right now. The agency is more or less giving us the advice not to adopt from Moldova. The governmental situation is not the best and they say they will do it but it might be easier to choose another country or do domestic instead.

Our problem is that if Scott gets deployed he probably wouldn't be able attend a court hearing at a specific date in whatever country we adopt from. And many countries are not very flexible when it comes to that. The thing is that the Navy has started something new which puts people on a list if they will be drafted within a year. Scott is not on that list. Can he still get deployed? Yes but not very likely.

So what are we going to do? NOT A CLUE. How do you choose another country when you think God spoke to you or was it just my own thoughts??? Maybe this is God's way of telling us that his plan is different than ours. Or is it a test of our faith in him?
When it comes to other countries we really don't have many options at this point. Bulgaria seems to be the only one. And then of course we could to domestic. Who knows at this point. But please help us pray for direction. We want to do Gods will in this even if it might be complicated.

All we want is to give an orphan parents and a loving home.

Blessings, Nela


A day in the middle of March

Eventhough I should get ready to go to work, I decided that it was time to write a couple of sentences here first.

The adoption process is taking it's time. We are right now waiting for a preapplication to go to Moldova to find out if we will be accepted. Since Scott is in the Navy reserve and can be deployed we might not. They said it will take between a couple of days to a couple of weeks before we hear anything back. And at this time we also don't know if the homestudy agency we would like to work with will be approved either so we just have to wait. But that is ok.

Life around us is coming back. The snow is melting and there is mud everywhere:-) We are excited about experiencing spring at our house for the first time. Soon we can have a fika (a genious swedish word that means snacktime kind of) outside. Maybe Scott can dig out our grill from the big snowpile in the back and we can make some salmon one day.

Last week I had to say goodbye to two of my teeth. They where unsaveable. A little sad but even if I give you my biggest smile you won't see the gap. Vanity -yep ! But a lot easier to deal with.

Tonight I'm going to share my testemony at the youth group at church about how I ended up here and my experience at the LA Dream Centre. It is interesting when I look back at my life to see how much of God's guidance I have experienced. He has been SO faithful throughout the years that how could I ever doubt that he would take care of me now. And the fact that God does not just care about the big stuff he definately cares about the details. One day I will share some of those details with you.

Be blessed and enjoy the light!



The emotional rollercoaster!

A couple of days ago we got the first call from the adoptionagency. It was fun to feel that we are on our way but it also brought up some different emotions. They for example asked about why my BMI is so low. Hello! I'm a skinny tall physically hard working swede! Do you need more explanation? I ofcourse realise that they wonder if there are eating disorders involved. But I'm pretty sick and tired of always hearing that I'm to skinny. My body just doesn't want to put on any fat, not to get pregnant easier, not to build muscles easier, not to fill out my clothes,not to be allowed to adopt!! (They didn't say that I wouldn't be allowed but that is how I feel).

The other pretty big thing is that they want to know where the money is going to come from. I understand that our finances that was presented doesn't look like much but our God has all the finances we need. And how do you explain that? They asked us to get back to them with some answers. Please help us to pray to get the wisdom of what to say!

Pretty helpful was the comments they had about us adopting siblings. The older one in a siblingcouple is almost always 6-8 years old and the younger one would be 2-4. We feel that an older kid would be out of our comfort zone at this point and that has put our sibling thoughts on hold for now. But if it is God's idea he will make it happen and the kids will be small.

Blessings to you!



The time of waiting has begun!

Today I received an email saying that our application has arrived at the agency! Sweet! It's got to start somewhere. ohooo! I can't put words on how excited I am! In less than I year I hope we will have not one but two little ones running around making our life crazy. Don't think I mentioned before that we want to adopt siblings. Please help us pray that they will be as young as possible. Especially since we want them to grow up bilingual and because we want them to have a good life as early as possible. Our prayers right now is for them and that they will be safe both physically, emotionally and spiritually. They are our kids ,they are just born somewhere else.
It is amazing to see how God has just moved our hearts in this direction, and now it feels all for sure. Most likely we will run into discouragement along the way, but deep down we'll know that God is for us and he is for our kids. It is for them he needs to provide a way to get home, not for us to find a bunch of money to spend on an adoption( which to you might be the same but for me it changes my perspective on what is going on). We already see Gods answer to our prayers. I have for example been able to work double time this week after specifically asking him for more hours.

In the meantime we spend our time working and developing friendships. I did my first show for the season on Saturday. Only showed young stock in hand but they did very well. Next show is in 2 weeks and then I'll be riding. It is fun to get out there and see some other people and horses and create relationships.

Be blessed my friend!