welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!


Another step on our journey!

Wow, amazing, huge, emotional, scary, concerned, excited, priviliged, thankful, thoughtful and the list can go on when it comes to our adoption.

Today we spent the morning in class in Denver at the adoptionagency which we have done our homestudy through. It was about developmental issues. What happens to a kid that doesn't get fed enough at a young age? And then all of a sudden have access to all this food. How are they going to cope with the language switch?Will they be able to go from Ukrainian to English and Swedish? How do you help them to improve their motor skills. What does cognitive learning mean? And a whole bunch of other topics. Very interesting and it gave us many new things to discuss, which we also did during our 6 hour drive home.

This morning made us feel a little more prepared for what we are in for. It gave a whole bunch of new thoughts and questions. But most of all I think it made us more excited about the journey we are on. The thoughts became more real and guesses turned into facts.

A feeling that came over me very strongly and that has been growing in me lately is that I feel so blessed that we are able to go through this. Feels like a privilge! I can't wait to get to go and pick those kiddos up.

Wishing all you americans a Happy Thanksgiving and to all you swedes I wish you an amazing Advent.

1 comment:

  1. Åh det låter så spännande! Jag blir alldeles pirrig i magen=) kram
