welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!


Home again!

Sitting by my kitchen counter enjoying a good cup of tea. My big dog Svea wants to go out and get muddy, my cat finally laid down after a good wrestle with Svea, and I'm just enjoying being home in my house again after 10 days gone. Lots of things has happened. The trip was good but it didn't turn out as I expected. God has once more showed me his way in life.

I went to California with my bosses and a co rider to show 4 of our horses in the American Nationals for Welsh Cobs. It started out with lots of laughter and fun. Showing horses went well and everyone was happy. Unfortunately it all changed when I won Ridden Welsh Classic which is THE class and my co rider took second. My co rider got angry and stopped talking to me. After a couple of days of really weird situations he finally lashed out at me and told me all kinds of lies.
I first of all was in shock over his accusations since I hadn't done anything wrong and then I got both mad and sad. After sharing what happened to the love of my life and greatest supporter we decided to pray about it all. And God showed me over and over about forgiving our enemies. I was reading a book on our 2 day long trip home which I can highly recommend called" An echo in the darkness" by Francine Rivers. The book spoke to my heart since it is about a girl that gets sent to the lions, survives and then return to serve and love the woman who sent her there in the first place. God is in control and his will is for us to love not condemn.
It is not easy and I'm not there yet but I know my desire is to serve my Lord and Savior and sometimes he makes us walk an extra mile. What that is is still to be reveled to me.

Other than that God has shown us in many ways in the last couple of months that he is in control and that he will make it possible for us to bring our kiddos home. Our homestudy is in Ukranie:) We found a renter for our trailer. And God blessed our concert amazingly. Our big prayer request now is for Scotts bike to be sold.

In two weeks I will go on another trip. THis time I'm heading home:) My little little sis is getting married. She found her prince and now they are starting the journey of their lives. I am super excited for them and to get to see lots of good friends and spend some quality time face to face with mi familia. Can't wait!

Hope that life is treating you well out there!
Lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. Wow. So sorry you have to deal with all that. But amazing how God gave you His perspective and how He is changing yours. So awesome! I've read that series and it's wonderful! I need to read it again. That part of the story was amazing. Such a faith builder! We've missed you around here. But totally understand being with family. Hopefully we'll get to see before you go!
