welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!



I am so sorry it has taken this long before I posted another update. Lots of reasons of course and mostly because life has been really busy. I do have news about the adoption and one big one is that we now have done 4 out of 5 interviews for our homestudy. It was not as bad as we had anticipated. Since we are pretty used to being transparent it wasn't to big of a deal. Lots of questions and some of them hard to answer and some of them required to dig up some old long lost memories but all in all not bad. The social workers comment was that we where a pretty normal couple, which we took as a good thing.
The other news about the adoption is that we now are working with a facilitator in Ukraine and his helper in Texas. They will guide us through this process and take care of us when we are there. We believe we have a better idea of how this will all work but I bet we will learn more as we go. One thing we do know is that we won't go to Ukraine until spring since we have to be on a waiting list for 6 months after all our papers are done here in the states and sent over. This is because we want kids less than 6 years old. We are ok with that since that will give us more time to raise the money we need to bring with us.
we are going to do a couple of different fundraisers this summer. One worship concert in the park here in Durango with our worshipteam from church, a garage sale, a bakesale and maybe a chocolatesale. So please help us pray that they will all work out.
God has also been very good and given me more work. He is over and over showing us that he will provide for us.
Other than the adoption life is full of work and fun stuff. Scott is right now doing his annual training with the Navy in Texas. He got to work on an aircraft today so he was happy when I talked to him earlier. ( A lot of times they don't have to much to do)
My horses are doing fine. The one I have been leasing for the last 6 months is going back to her owner later this week due to hoof problems. Not fun but at least I didn't have to put her down.

It is late and I have to sleep so I promise I will update again soon!
Be blessed my friend!

1 comment:

  1. Why not have a concert with Swedish artists?
    I know you know a couple....as a fundraiser I mean...

