welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!


A little update!

Since I last wrote here a couple of things have happened with our adoption. The biggest thing was our miracle with the IRS. If you want to read the story click on last blogs comment from Scott.
We also spent a couple of hours on the phone earlier this the week with the lady in Dallas that is our helper in this process. We went through all the paperwork that we now have to do for the State Department of Adoption in Ukranie. It seemed a little overwelming at first but when we had gone throught it all it didn't seem as bad. Lots of paper to get hold of but hopefully it will all work out pretty fast.

The other big deal in my life is that the same day that we found out about the IRS I also found out that my grandpa Tyko had passed away in a heartattack. He was 87 and had had a heartattack before Christmas that he survived but which had left his heart hurting. So eventhough it was suspected it always comes with lots of sorrow and loss. For me it made me feel pretty vulnerable since I don't have my dad. And it made the distance to home feel greater. It makes me sad that I can't be with my family and I won't be able to be at the funeral. It is hard to grieve when it feels so unreal.

I did have an ok relationship with my grandpa. I was able to have an evening meal with him before I left Sweden last time. We had a good conversation and once again he showered me with his generosity. My grandpa was a very very generous man. He is my big role model when it comes to giving. Growing up he made sure we had everything we needed, candy and bikes, clothes and food especially when finances where tight for mom and dad.

Through the years he has brought us many laughter's and lots of joy. He was a great Santa when we where little.
Life wasn't always nice to him. He lost his wife, my grandma, when she was only 69, his son, my dad, when he was only 46 and his grandson, my cousin, when he was only 36. It gave grandpa lots of heartache that showed up in joint pain. It didn't stop him from helping the people around him. When I was home in October he was waiting for hip surgery and could barely walk and even less up and down stairs, but every night he took the time to slowly make his way to his neighbour two flights down so they could eat an eveningmeal together and watch a show on TV. Just so she didn't have to be alone:)
I am honored that he was the one who gave me away at my wedding. A great man in many ways!
Now he has joined the rest of our family in the heavenly choir and one day we will meet again!

Take care of your close ones and give somebody a call that you haven't talked to in a while, you never know if you have another chance.



  1. Hej min vän!
    Känner med dig i en svår stund.. Förstår att du är ledsen över att inte kunna vara med på begravningen. I tanken får du vara där, han har gått mot ljuset och får ro där och i minnet får vi bära med oss allt de goda de har tillfört oss som är kvar, att ta till vara varje enskild dag, det är en gåva att få föra vidare deras kunskap om livet..

    Hör av dig när du känner för det och orkar..
    Kramar från Ritha..

  2. So sad to hear about your loss, but what a grandpa he was! We think about you often in Sweden, and are still praying for your kiddos
