welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!



They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I agree with that.

I also believe happiness is in the heart of the beholder.
It is in our heart it starts. What do we decide to do with our day, how do we decide to feel. Many times we don't know why we feel like we do, and many times we know but don't want to admit it. Not to ourselves or to the person asking us. A lot of times we will tell everyone who wants to listen that our life sucks, that it is hard and that we are way to stressed out about anything and everything.
But do we tell anybody when we are happy? Does anybody want to listen to me say that I am happy? Probably not. So we walk around in this world only hearing negative stuff.

What's the problem with us????? We have everything we need and a ton more but still are not happy.

I come back to the statement I began with. It is in our hearts it starts. How do we become happy? I think the big key is to be thankful! Thankful for everything we have, all the relationships, easy and hard alike, thankful to our God that has given it to us!
Try to recognise the happy moments. What can they be?
A good meal with family or friends,
a beautiful sky,
the smell of snow,
the smell of moss in a rainy forest,
a good ride on my horse,
a piece of salty licorice melting in my mouth,
a phone call from a friend,
a dog waging its tail when you walk in the door,
a word straight from God,
a good song on the radio or an intimate talk with your best friend.

The list could go on and on, because when we stop and think about all the good things in our lives it doesn't stop. It is all the matter of the heart. What do we choose?

To be caught up in the negativism of this world or do we choose to be happy?


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