welcome to tag along on our journey of faith!


A new life in our barn!

I thought that since I don't have anything to update you guys on about the adoption I will instead give you a glimpse of my daily life.

I work for a couple that owns and breeds a kind of horse called welsh cob. The welsh cob is a pony breed from Wales:) As you can see in my picture they are pretty stout litte ones.

This guy is Starbucks and he is my primary showhorse. A fun ride:)

My owners have 17 horses at the moment for me to work with and train. Alot YES but oh so much fun. There are 6 riding horses, 3 three year olds that I'm breaking to ride, 2 two year olds, 2 yearlings, 3 broodmares and one baby. The baby you see below was born less than a week ago and his name is MHS Durango Express. We'll probably call him Dex. We are also waiting for this years second foal to see the world. Maybe it will be there when I get there in the morning.

One day a week my swedish friend Tiina comes and helps me work all the young ones. Here are some pictures from sitting on two of them. On top is me on Starbound and Tiina on another of my showhorses: Brianna and the second picture is of Tiina on Magnastar.

Maybe you have notised that there are a lot of stars in their names that is because they are almost all sons and daughters to our stallion Megastar
If you want to see all our horses you can go to http://www.welshcobusa.com/ and take a peek.

At last but not least is a picture of the horse I leese. She is also a welsh cob and her name is Atlanta.

This is a little glimps of my life another time I'll show you some more:)


A prayer request!

Hi everyone!
It is pretty late for an old woman like me so this won't be a long post. But I wanted to fill you in on what is happening and ask for some help.
We are now in regular contact with the orphanage in Ukraine. They are looking for possible kids for us. Today we were told that it is hard to find young healty kids for international adoption. (We have asked for up till 4 years old) They asked if we would move our age limit a little. I don't really know what that means at this point but we felt that we need to pray. God knows about our wishes and he loves to see to the details of our wishes and eventhough age might not seem like as detail, it really is. We also felt that if it is our hearts that need to change to be open to older kids God has to help us in that. And we believe he can if that is his will.

Making more phonecalls about the homestudy tomorrow morning and hopefully we can send in the application at the end of this week.

An answer to prayer has been that I now have a few more hours of work over the summer. But I still need some more to help pay for all of this.

So please help us pray that they will find us young healthy kids or that God will change our hearts. And for more jobopportunities and finances.

Thank you all for standing by us on our journey of faith!